Leg 1 - Kingsley Green to Linchmere Common (2.8 km)


[X}footpath junction      (sp)signpost     (wm)waymark     (wms)  waymarks

{NB The footpath from the start climbs very steeply to meet the metalled Marley Lane on the brow of the hill.  For a more gradual climb, cross Haslemere Road (sp) from Hatch Lane to Marley Lane and follow metalled Marley Lane about 500m uphill to junction with footpath [X] on R (sp).}

From Hatch Lane, turn R and walk along verge about 100m to half way between bus stops.  Turn left and cross road onto little-used footpath (sp),  Continue ahead on footpath, crossing marsh bridge and onto vehicle track.  Cross vehicle track onto footpath (sp).  Climb steeply until footpath levels off, crossing vehicle track near brow of hill (wm) onto metalled Marley Lane [X].  Turn R along road (sp) and after 100m bear R (sp) off Marley Lane, continuing ahead (wms) to metalled road.  Cross road and enter Marley Common  through gate (sp). Continue ahead on footpath (wms), crossing one footpath to five-way junction (sp) with Sussex Border Path and turn L, passing through gate (wms) to Marley Common information board and car park.

Go ahead through car park.  Continue ahead onto entrance road to properties, turning right onto crossing foopath (wm).  Continue to follow Sussex Border Path (wms) ahead, crossing entrance to Marley House (sp) and, in about 10m, turn L joining a metalled road between houses and continue ahead onto vehicle track (sp) still on Sussex Border Path (wm).  In about 350m, at junction, turn L onto metalled bridleway (sp), crossing road in front of Harboury (sign on R).

Continue ahead through beech-lined avenue and, in 100m, turn R off Sussex Border Path onto bridleway (sp) and, in about a further 100m, turn L off bridleway (wm) and continue ahead on footpath along The Ridge (generally NW), between boundary fences, crossing path junction (Serpent Trail wm).  Continue on footpath, following Serpent Trail wms,descending gradually, crossing further path junction (sp) and, after about 150m, fork R (wm), emerging eventually onto metalled Linchmere Road (wm), Linchmere Common  at car parking lay-by. 



Marley Common  (